Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ad #45: French's Mustard

I am using this ad because it is the closest i could get to the "Smile you've got French's" Ad campeign that ran when I was a kid. To this day I still draw a smiling face on my burger with my mustard =) This ad is saying almost the same thing with its tag line of "Happy Starts Here." It shows French's mustard almost with the product is hero role, because it comes in and makes every happy. The product is shwon throughout the whole 30 sec spot, and it is shwon with people that are happy about it. They also use it to draw stuff like every kid does with the awesome squeeze top bottle =p They do not seem to have a specific audience but if I had to guess I would say kids because of the creative and silly aspect of the mustard drawing things. I really do not see any negatives to this commercial =)

Ad #44: Heinz Ketchup

Since my last ad was pickles I thought I would do an ad on ketchup and mustard too =) I really like this ad because it pushes the brand identity to saying that Heinz ketchup is all natural. In the first ad they have sliced tomatoes shaped like the ketchup bottle with a Heinz label on it, very innovative. In the second picture it has a ketchup bottle bottom with a tomato stem stick out of it, which makes people think fresh vine ripe. =) Both of these ads make Heinz look good about using fresh ingredients and being as close to a tomato as ketchup can be. The product is the center of the Ad and they found a very innovative way to portray the product. This ad has no limit to target audience because everyone loves Ketchup. I also really like this ad because even though they do not say it here, Heinz is the only ketchup that does not use corn syrup in their ingredients!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ad #43: Vlasic Pickles

I saw this ad in Brookshires and thought it was really cute. It is a cutting hanging off the end cap where the hamburger buns were. What it said was witty to me and amusing. It also made me want a pickle and so I bought some. It uses the character that everyone knows as the Vlasic stork =) They also use one of the 5 Ps, Placement by putting this ad right by the hamburger buns so that if people are having a cookout they wont forget the pickles. This ad does not seem to have a specific target audience, just anyone that either enjoys pickles or is having a cook out =) Yummy!!

Ad #42: Vinage Ads, Campbells Soup

I thought this ad was really good. It shows bright colored happy and vibrant kids that eat cambpells soup and then a dingy looking tired child and dog that are called junkfood. I love the play they used of junkfood dog instead of junkyard dog. But this ad has the charracter promoting eating healthy, and to eat thealthy they say that you should eat campbells soup. This positions the product, and makes people want to buy it. It target children probably from 4-8 with the cartoon characters.

Ad #41: Vintage Ads, Baby Cola

This ad promoted giving soda to a baby that is at the most 8 months old. Obviously now days we know that that is preposterous and I hope they did then because children that young would have tummy problems if they were given any large amounts of soda. This ad targets mother with children saying that you should give your kids soda because its good for them and they will like it, when inr eality it was NOT good for them though they probably did like it. I do not think this ad was affective most because women are smart enough to know better than to give a baby Coca Cola. From an advertising stand point though I do not htink it hits the target audience well, but it does position the product well.

Ad #40: Vintage Ads, Smoking

Or she'll die early from lung cancer. People were so misguided about cigarettes. They thought all kind of things like they were cool, and made you have better sex, and that they were actually HEALTHY for you. Silliness. This is a good Ad though, it targets its audience as men probably from 20-40s looking for a pretty girl. This ad says if you smoke this cigarette beautiful women will follow you everywhere. This also shows the product and all the different varieties it offers. It positions this product well and probably was pretty effective in its time period.

Ad #39: Banned Ads, Master Card murder=priceless?

So this is a really creepy ad. =S I think they meant for this to be humorous but it went the opposite direction into disturbing. Obviously it was banned for violence and should have been banned for the creep factor alone. This commerical uses the classic Mastercard style listing something and its costs, then another thing and its cost and eventually getting to the something that is priceless. In this case though they leave out the priceless slogan and use text to say "there are some things money shouldn't buy" and stick with the newer tagline, "for everything else there is mastercard." This also does not show the product in use. Even though we know from the format it is master card we do not see the product at all or hear the voice of the announcer instead it is all doen in text. In all I think this is an ineffective and tasteless commercial

Ad #38 Banned Ads, Viagra

This ad is funny and interesting. They use to speech in the ad just a brief text at the end saying with added Viagra. This shows the product in use saying that you can get a stronger erection with the use of Viagra. I'M really not sure why it would have been banned unless it was false advertising or fluff since doing a push up with a penis seems a little implausible, no matter how "strong" it may be. This ad probably target men that are 35 and older with erectile dysfunction or that want a stronger erection. These men are probably also at the age where they are gaining weight and losing their physique so the man doing push ups is a good way to promote this product.

Ad #37: Banned Ads, Hand-guns

This begins my section on banned ads. They are different and banned for different reasons.

So this is really humorous and just a really witty cool way to think of using guns and xbox. Literally it is like these people jump into this game in the middle of their regular day. It is really cool, but was banned for the violence and usage of "guns." While it is really cool and really memorable it is also really long 1.05 when most commercials are only 30 mins. It also does not even mention the project until the very end but since it is really interesting commercial people might watch until they to find out what is going on. Also this ad kind of does promote violence. It also does not really promote the product well because it just has a small mention of it at the very end of the ad and does not mention any functions or specialities of the product.

Ad #36: Sex Sells

Last Ad is a must. Calvin Klien Jeans ad with almost NO Jeans in it!!!! =0 So as I have said before Calvin Klien uses sexual advertising all the time. In this one you have three young people making out/ all half naked probably about to do something more explicit that cannot be shown in advertising, but what you DO NOT see is the jeans. You see the waiste bands of the jeans and the cuf of the shorts but that is all. Its like they says the name Calvin Klien will get you sex with really good looking people. THese ad are targetted at young people and this may work because it catches people's attention so they look at it and see the Calvin Klien logo and get a familiarization with the brand. But I think this ad is rediculous because it does not even show the product!!

Ad #35: Sex Sells, PCI

Okay so this is an ad for Pci: Hair beauty nails makeup fragrance, and I only knew that because it was in the caption above the photo. I have no idea what this ad has to do with makeup or fragrance because the girl is not wearing make up and it was not a scatch and sniff. This ad does catch people's attention it is very beautifully and artfully done, but it does NOT promote the product almost at all. This only way even fans would know it was a PCI ad is because th logo is at the very bottom in VERY SMALL print. This ad really is not that great

Ad #34 Sex Sells, Condom

So that ad is an Ad for Condomi Vienna ultra-thin condoms. At first I really did not get how it was a sexual ad until a friend pointed it out I thought it was just a bubble *blush.* I think this is an intersting way to advertise a super thing condom and obviously if it is as thin as a bubble it would feel like nothing =) or sticky soap suds (one negative). Another thing I did not like about it was that it is a bubble and bubble stick and that feel to me like selling sex to kids because the only people that play with bubbles are me and little kids. I feel that this ad is just inapropriate because it is just not in a good context and would probably be ignored.

Ad #33: Sex Sells, Seamen

Obviously sexual! Lots of sex ladies in bikinis and SEAMEN WANTED!! Now that is a very big sexual statement. The really amusing part of this ad is that it actually is selling sex, well kind of. . . This was done my a cruise company that were promoting the sexual possibilities on the cruise ships. This obviously will hit their target audience, young men between 21-35! And the ad campeign actually worked to get more people onboard their cruises. The biggest problem was that it is really sexest and it promotes situations that can lead to date rape and overdose/alcohol poisening, which they were actually suid for. They eventually had to cancell the campeign and issue a personal apology to some poeple that had such problems.

Ad #32: Sex Sells, Smoking Sex

Okay so this is a french anti-smoking ad. So the french are also bashed for their super sexual advertising. This is another really creative ad that uses witty idea of forced oral sex to liken it to smoking. They say smoking is like being a slave to tobacco. This ad was actually part of a whole campeign that was on buses and bilboards and such. It was targetting young people between 18-25 and trying to prevent them or stop them from smoking. I think this ia good tactic because everyone knowns how people in that age area hate to be controlled by anything, so throwing this arguement at them is making them think about smoking in a new way.

Ad #31: Sex Sells Ads,

So this beings my section on sex sells ads. I am actually going to do 6 ads on sex because there is just do much controversy on sex selling products and there are so many ads featuring sex.

The caption on this ad reads, "Black Coffee: Clothes you wouldn't dream of taking off," apparently even for sex. Even though this ad is extremely sexually explict I think it is humurous and witty in their use of it. and the fact that they dont show any actual nudity it pretty awesome. This ad is obviously targets at younger adults , probably about 20-35 and people that are interested in fashion. This appeals to both sexes and it also shows off their product because that dress is very pretty!! Overall the shock factor is worth the advertising.

Ad #30: Inconspicuous Ads, Squishland

The only part of this important are the two ads at the top and the adorable blue elephant =) I found this ad in a quarter machine at the same restaunt I got my fortune cookie from. If I have change I walways fet a trinket for my neice. This one is a little blue squishy elephant, that could either be a toy or a pencil topper. On the plastic ball it was in, I found these two little advertisements. I followed the link and came to a website for a little computer game with these cartoon animals. You could also purshace more "squishes" on the website. I guess they are hoping to be the new animal braclets things. I think this ad is really ineffective though. Not only is the ad small so most wont notice it or take time to follow the link but also the only people that really get stuff from quarter machines are little kids like maybe 3-6 years old that dont usually have internet privilages .

Ad #29: Inconspicuous Ads, Fortune Cookie

These are small ads that are placed on strange things. They are ads that will usualyl be ignored because of how inconspicuous they are.

Huge fortune cookie right?! lol Who doesn't love fortune cookies? Everytime you o to a Chinese gfood restraunt you get free fortune cookies. Not only are they really yummy little dessert but they have awesome sayings inside. Apparently the people who write /make fortune cookies made a website. The address on the cookie takes you to a fortune generator that first asks for your email and birthdate name and zip code. This is probably a scam to fill your inbox with spam so its not necessarily a great thing. Also as I said earlier these are inconspicuous ads and very likely not to get noticed at all.

Ad #28: Unique Ads, Cookie Girls

Ok so this ad is unique because it is on a person!! As I was going to Brookshires a dancing cookie caught my eye. A seven year old firl in a life size chocolate chip cookie costume!! She was getting people's attenetion so they would buy girl scout cookkies. It was really working too. Not only did I buy cookies, but one had lots of poeple buying cookies. This is unique becauise most people dont advertising on a person. There is a big problem with this ad though, only the people going into Brookshires will see it, so you have a very limited audience. That may work in their favor though becaus it target people buying food and people that have money.

Ad #27: Unique Ads, Smiling Magic Dance Boy

The only really important part of this is the really awesome drawing at the top in purple!! I was not completely sure of what the sign said and found out later that what it says in my drawing is wrong. But this is what it generally looks like. So I saw this guy standing at the intersection of loop 288 and 35 dancing around and waving this sign like crazy. Firs time I saw this I thought tht epoor guy was a little off, but then I realized he was advertising for this Smiling Magic place. He's not the only one , many pizza places do it too. I thought this was really neat. It obviously gets lots of peopel's attention especially since that intesection isw an extremely busy intersection. Because it is quite unique it sticks in your mind and you are likely to remember it. Sadly, like I said it is hard to see what the sign says and it doesnt really specify what smiling Magic is so if you dont know, it is a dentist office you would have to look it up and most people would not take the time to do that, so they would forget about it. Also some poeple like me might not realize it is an ad and think the poor guy is a little loco.  

Ad #26: Unique Ads, SideWalk Improve

This is the beginning of the theme of Unique Ads, or at least what I think are uncommon ways of advertising. All three are for diffferent services and they all have their good and bad points

This important part of this "ad" is the BIG colored writing in the middle =). When I was walking around on campus I came acrodd this intersting ad in carious places on the sidewalk. It was written in colorful sidewalk chalk and at times would have neat little designs and drawings around it. It was a quite eye  catching, if you are looking down. This is a great way to get to their target audience, which is the students of UNT. Mant of these ads were at the union, the bus stop, which most students have to go by so it is more likely to be seen. It is also cool and colorful, and very rarely done by many people. The issues with this ad is that it is very non-specific, you do not know what kind of improve it is: theatre, comedy, speeches? This ad kind of leaves you hanging, which they might have done on purpose, as a teaser, but it is still slightly irritating. Also since the ad is on the ground it has a high possibility of being ignored or not being seen  at all.  Many people look forward not down when they walk. I have also heard from many student that theyusually ignore these sidewalk ads.

Ad #25:UNT Ads, Glad

This was a flyer ad on a bulletine board in the Language Building at UNT. Lets start witht eh good points. First it was in a very visable place. It is very easy to read, letters are HUGE and they have a short message tht can be read quickly. My problems with this ad are as follows. It is in black and white, so it is not very eye catching. The meeting time and place is very small, so people would have to stop to look at in a usually very busy hall way. They left the GLAD and the bottom bar in a color format but the rainbow doesnt look very good  gray scale. They should have either made it all black or printed the ad in color. Overall I believe it is only semi-impressive.

Ad #24: UNT Ads, Speed Dating

So it is february and valentines day is a week away!! For many single people Valentines day is dreadfully depressing day that is offcially hated!! So to fight the Singles Sadness of Velentines day someone devised an ingenious plan of speed dating. The ad they used to promote this was one of the really neat sign ads that you place in the ground, much like a for rent or grage sale sigin. It is a colorful signewith hearts and such to catch people's attention. The words and dates  and times are large and easily seen. The only problem they could have with this ad is that some people dont look down at these Ads. They are outside and it is cold so most people dont want to stop to stand in the cold and look at it to see what it is all about. Overal I think this is a pretty neat and effective ad though.

Ad #23: UNT Ads, Dirty Business

This ad starts a series of ads that I found on campus, ads 23-25. I had found three different ads and 3 different styles and decided to present them. Each one has it own good and bad attributes, which will be elaborated on in my analysis.

So I got this ad outside of the GAB from a guy holding a clip board and shivering in the 20 degree weather. I didnt know what he was promoting but I figured Id bite just because he looked so pitiful. He explained to me they were getting signatures to shift UNT from coal electricity to cleaner sources. I signed the sheet and a card with my name and email and phones number (both of which were fake i like the cause but hate spam mail). He then gave me this 6"4" paper advocating a movie screening for if I was interested in learning more. I feel like this method is a very good way of getting information out to the audience that is actually interested in their cause. The movie flyer is kind of intersting . I love the oping line taking you behind the light switch and it tells you when and where it is. My problem is it is very ambiguous aout WHAT exactly it is. Also the picture they used cuts into their writing and is also ambigous. It may be because Im blonde but it took me a minute to realize what it was. So in reality this ad inst very effective unless it is explained.

Ad #22:Food Ads, Win Hing

This is another ad I found tucked in mt door, and unlike the Napoli's ad it made me HUNGRY!!!! The front is very nice, in color and the logo catches your attention. It also has their telephone number, the fact that they will deliver, their address and  a samll map to show you where they are (very nifty) when you open it its still very colorful and it is very well organized so you can easily find what you are looking for. Then if your not sure what you might want, on the back cover they have pictures that can make your mouth water. Overall I find this a very attractive and effective ad.

Ad #21: Food Ads, Napoli's Italian Restraunt

This ad and the one following it are a comparison ad of the same type of advertising except on eis done really bad (this one) and one is doen really good (the next one).

Okay so firstly I appoligize for the side ways picture but that is all i could manage. I chose this ad because I really didnt like it. I dont think they did a good job promoting their business. Firstly the flyer is very dull, it is all in black and white and doesnt catch people's attention. They do have some special promotions on the front, but they are in small print and so you dont really see them unles syou are inspecting the ad. Their menu is inside which is a great idea because you know what they offer, but the pictures being in black and white does NOT make it look apetizing. When I found this in my door, I almost threw it away. Overall it is not a good ad, doesn't catch people's attention, and it doesn't make me want to eat their food.

Ad #20: Food Ads, Community Health Fair and Sale

As someone who owns a ranch and believes fully in local farmers, I relly enjoyed this ad. This is a great place to get natural and healthy foos and the flyer lets you know they are having a SALE!! My favorite part oif this though is the middle seciton about learning where your food really comes from, stopping childood obesity and removing corn syrup and transfast from our diets. This target people of all ages that want to eat healthy.

Ad #19: Roomate Wanted

This ad was really unique. At fisrt look you think it is an ad from someone trying to find a roomate, but upon closure inspection you find thats not true. This is actually an ad for a movie. I thought that this was a really priginial way to get information to your target audience. Since this movie is about dorm life, it targets college kids, so to put up a roomate wanted adis a pretty cool way to get people's attention. One problem people could have with this though is that pewople not looking for a roomate might ignore the ad. Or people like me who were looking for a roomate might become irritated that this was a movie ad not a real roomate ad.

Ad #18: Denton Tawkwando Academy

I like this because firstly it is small enough to fit in your pocket. The font gets your attention with a good illistration and tells you who and what they are. Also it doubles as a promotional adbecause the inside is a coupon. I like how it tells you what the coupon offers in large print, but then in small print around it has many of the things the acedemy offers as well as some reasons you should take it. It also has a schedule of available classes on the back. Their webslso present on every page. This is a very informational, functional, attractive ad and I am pretty sure it brought them some business.

Ad #17: Get with the Spirit

This Ad begins the group of Ads that started in my Ad Journal.

When I was originally handed this I was on my way to class and didnt have time to read it, but the bold words in red caught my attention so I kept reading it. I was absolutely appauled a tht eblatent disregaurd for student and worker safety. What was more aggravating is that I applied to UNT in 2009 and of course heard nothing of these statistics. I admire the way the Coalition of Workers Justice structured the flyer to look, at first glance, like some UNT group flyer promoting an activity or something of the sort. It also put the important stats in BOLD RED so at least they would not be missed and they could get their point across at the same catch people's attention.

Ad #16: Controversial Ads 3, Calvin Klien

OK so while this ad is interesting and very fun to watch, for boys and girls, it is highly controversial. So good points first it does a very good job of hitting its target audience, which is young males of the 90s (and maybe young women who wished their men looked like Marky Mark). They use a well-known celebrity, Mark Walberg to support their ad, and built a campeign for Calvin Klien around him. The commercial was also in black and white, which makes it stand out and also points to Calvin Klien. So for the negatives, firstly they use a very young actor (which Calvin Klien is notorious for doing) and they have him in underwear grabbing his bits and pieces on national television and he is discussing sex and hugging all over a girl that is also shirtless. This would have been a highly controversial thing in the 90s because even though we had gone through the sexual revolution already, talking about sex and grabbing himself would still have shocked people. Also he does a non to subtle gibe at fruit of the loom. Another thing that is questionsable about this ad is that he says the best way to protect against aids is to "keep the Calvin's on" and that "nothing come between [him] and [his] Calvins" and then at the end of his ads he says that the girl can come between him and his Calvins. For some reason that just doesnt seem to promote Calvins image very well for me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ad #15: Controversial Ads 2, setting an example

Monkey see monkey do is never more true then when you have kids. Kids will emulate their parents to learn social norms and proper interaction techniques. This ad shows people doing activities that are not suitable for children to mimic, and yet they are following their parents and shadowing their every move. This ad tries to bring to light people's actions and how they should think before they act, especially around their children. This is obviously targeted at people 18 and up and geared toward parents but could affect all grown ups, as well as children because it shows how sometimes it is not a good idea to copy your parents. One problem with this Ad is that it is pretty long, one minute and thirty seconds, which is twice as long as most ads. It also takes a really long time to get to the message and the audience is wondering what is going on. It is also very impactful because they do not use speech, instead they use comercial to get your attention and then show simple message at the end.

Ad #14: Controversial Ads 1, children and tv

This is beginning of my controversial ads invovling children. These are all powerful and very important ads.

Oh my goodness gracious, this ad is definitely a slap in the face, and the sad thing is that it is too true. Too many parents allow the television to dictate chidlern's lives. This is very powerful public service announcement telling people to be more watchful of what their children see on television. Many kids now days do not have restrictions on their television privilages, some parents use the tv as a way of keeping their kids out of their hair. This ad condemns that kind of mentality, and although it has become increasingly difficult to censure what children see with so many media outlets (tv, internet, phones, ipads) this ad askings parents to try and control the graphic images seen by their children or at least discuss it responsibly. It is also a strong support for the question of do we shape media or does it shape us. In this case they argue that media, especially television, is shaping how our kids think and act. In this case they have a very young girl dancing like a stripper on a bus pole. It is a very strong commercial and  makes people stop and think about what they let their children watch on telelvision.

Ad #13: Character Ads, Coco Cola Polar Bears

This is an example of an Advertisment making a character famous. In this case it is Coco Cola and their Polar Bear. They did a whole campeign of Polar bear ads and so the polar bear became associated with Coco Cola. This ad I think reperesents the Coco Cola polar bear perfectly because it also fosters a sense of Coco Cola being a part of togetherness. They use a well known Beach Boys Song, Little Saint Nick to get people's attention. It is happy and upbeat and very much in the Christmas spirit, especially the spirit of giving when the little penguin hand over his coke to a polar bear cub. This commercial has the emotional pull of togetherness, a feeling of wanting to be with familey and friends, which is facilitated by Coke, because what get-together is complete without it =)

Ad #12: Character Ads, Sonic Cheerios

This is the second ad in the character promoting ads. It feature SONIC the hedgehog!! in a Cheerios ad. As a kid I used to love Sonic the Hedgehog and I actually saw this commercial and begged my mom to buy me Cheerios, which I never actually ate because I dont like them. This ad is really cool because not only is is a commerical pormoting Sonic the Hedgehog video game and Cheerios (with the second famous character of the Cheerios bee) it also offers a promotion if you buy Cheerios. On the box is gaming tips for Saga Genesis (which I also had) and an offer to possibly in a free Saga game box =) What kid wouldn't want a box of Cheerios? This has a small target audience though because it only targets kids probably 7-15 and that is a generous guess. Although this is also good for moms because it gets their kids to ask for the healthy Cheerios instead of the other sugary unhealthy teeth-rotting cereals. I love this ad and think it was really effective!!

Ad #11: Character Ads, My Butterfinger

This is the first of the Ads that are promoted by a popular tv character(s). Using a celebrity to promote a product is a well known and used tactic to get people's attention.

This is a series of Ads that Butterfinger did with the Simpsons. They use a very well known character Bart (and familey) to promote their product. The product is constantly in the commercial so you know what it is promoting. The commercial also has the added benefit of promoting not just Butterfinger but also the Simpsons cartoon, so it is double advertising and promotion. People will be more likely to watch and remember the commercial because it features these well known charcters. Most of these commercials tell a short story so people want to watch till the end, and since they are short this is easy to do. They can also reach a large target audience from kids who like the cartoons to grown up who enjoy the witty repoirte. One downfall of using the simpons is that it could alienate their target audience, because many people (such as my mom) did not like the simpsons because of the disrepectful acts by the children and the infantile humor so they are less likely to watch the comercial.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ad #10: My Best Friend 3, If It Aint Pit

This is a sticker for cars and I love it and have one on every vehicle I drive. Once a person owns a pit bull they usually feel this way because no other breed can compare to the compassion and loyalty and love of the pit bull. This is a type of branding because it brands a person as a pit bull owner and supporter. The only problem I have with this ad is the spiked colar because it makes them seem imposing, which I have a studded colar for my dog because it does look nice but still does not help with a positive out look of the breed. You here this "tage line" or slogan in most pit bull circles, as well as the "blame the deed not the breed," which says dont blame a whole breed for what few people do. There is a sort of racism against pit bull that is just the same as that of African Americans or Mexican Americans saying that they are bad and criminal, and non of these stereotypes are true! The American Pit bull terrier is the American breed of dog. They were ranked #2 as the most friendly dog to humans outranked by only the laborador. They also started out as an all American breed, such as in the little rascals, Petey was a Pit!!! He was a pit that followed around little kids all day, which every pit loves to do

Ad #9: My Best Friend 2, jail house

I found this on the San Fransico Chronicle Website. It was discussing the problem of pit bull attacks and how a recent attack in that area of leading to a hearing and possible breed-restriction legislation. This is a huge issue about pit bulls. Many apartments refuse pit bulls as well as issurance policies, some towns and even some states have banned pit bulls. I have heard that Texas is  also discussing a ban on pit bulls which would be devestating to my 4 pit bull house hold. Many people see pits and think of them as monsters and viscious. I walk my dog at the park and I see people sneer at her and some walk way out of their way to avoid a dog who will probably run from them at the slightest look. This article was speaking out against pit bull hysteria, saying that many attacks are falsely accusing pit bulls because anyone that sees a beefy dog and thinks it is a pit. It was really refreshing seeing someone in the media who is defending the pit breed. In the article they had a pit bull test, which i will link for you to take at your enjoyment. It shows you several pictures of dogs and asks you to pic out the ONE pit bull, all the dogs are pure bred and if you click on the picture it will show you the breed name. It was actually really hard because I am a veteran pit bull owner and still could not find the real pit bull. This shows how the "brand" of the pit bull has can be falsly accused.

take pit bull quiz here

Ad #8: My best friend

Everytime I see this video I cry. It is not graphic in the least and really isnt a bad video but it is so true that it kills me =*( This is the first of three posts that are the my best friend posts. I wanted to have a section on pitbulls because they are very impotant to me and most of the time are shown in a horrible light even though they are amazing dog and the best friends you can have. This ad is service announcement against dog and specifically pit bull fighting. It shows a slide show of cute pictures of the same pit, an adorable white female, with very easy going music and simple texts. They dog is asking not to make her fight, and then suggesting other things that they can do instead, but at the end she says if you wanted her to fight she would because she is your friend and will do anyhting for you. This is so sad because it is so true. Pitbulls will do anything for their owners, they love you and will die to make you happy and that is why this video is so sad because these dogs are forced to do horrible things and have a bad reputation because of people making it that way. This very simple video has a VERY strong emotional appeal, especially for pit bull owners. It also does a good job of showing people that when a pit bull is bad, it is usually due to human error. In class we talk about branding in society pit bull is a brand. Most people think pit bull and they think vicious and angery and attack, but in reality most pits are nothing like that and this video shows that. This shows the brand (pit bulls) as what they are best friends.

My best friends: beware they may lick you to death =p

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ad #7: Car Ads, Kia Soul Hamsters

LOL!! Everyone has seen this Ad on television. It has people dressed as hamsters rapping and pointing out the neat qualities of the KIA Soul and comparing them to the boring and often lame and silly things the other hamsters are riding in. I really like the beat they put to the rap it makes it catchy and interesting and grabs the attention of the people that listen to that kind of music, but it is less likely to interest older people who are usually the with the money to spend on new cars. The product us also VERY prominent in the commercial, you see the car ALL the time so you know what the product is and see some of the features of it. Also at the end it shows some of the good attributes such as gas mileage (increasingly important now that gas is going up) it shows the starting price of the car, some of the new technology it can come with, then the KIA logo and a catchy tag line, "soul a new way to roll." This sounds very cool and it rhymes so it will probably stick with people. Its target audience is obviously people between 20-35 and people that are into rap and young demographic. It is also entertaining to watch and so it may interest others also. I think they did this to make this funky little car seem cool, because basically it is just a box with wheels and to me is awfully ugly. Another thing about the commercial is that it is really long for a modern commercial. It is a little over a minute when most commercial these days are only 30 sec spots.                                         B-

Ad #6: Car Ads, New Zealand Nissan

Obviously I am a Nissan fan =) But hey they are great cars and will last forever!! This ad is a really awesome ad that came out in 2009 and was shown in New Zealand. I chose this commercial because as a car commercial it is really unique. Usually a car commercial will spot light one car, like the in Ad 5, but that is not the case with this Ad. This features 5 of Nissans new models of car, including one of my favorites the Nissan 350Z =} *drools.* It uses a huge spread and does not targe one specific audience instead going with the tactic that no matter who you are we have a Nissan for you!! Again at the end we see the flashy and well used tag line of "Nissan, shift the way you move," which pushes people to want to check into getting a new car. As a Nissan enthusiast I love this commercial because it promotes brand pride, or brand love because if you have ever driven one you know that nothing moves like a Nissan =). This as is mysterious at first which peaks the interest of the audience to keep watching. It uses awesome visuals of the cars, and point of view shots from a drivers seat. One thing they did not mention though, was any interesting attributes of the cars, like gas milage or any logical reason to buy the car other than that it is new and looks cool, but then again that could be the trade off of featuring multiple products in one commercial.

Ad #5: Car Ads, Nissan Quest

Everyone, or at least every mom has days like this, which is exactly what the commercial says with the opening (and catchy) song. This ad is clearly targeted at women, mostly mothers and excludes many by saying "the toughest job on the planet just got easier." This does not have to just apply to moms tho; it could also apply to anyone that has to juggle many things at once, such as florest or artists. This ad shows the car and how it helps with these big jobs throughout the entire spot, unlike some ads that loose what they are promoting in the message. It also features the really neat innovation of the Van with the push button technology for when you really dont have a free hand to mess with door handles. It also mentions the "air scrubber" feature which could come in quite handy no matter who might be driving. The only objection I really have to this ad is that it pushes to a narrow target audience, but once again this may not necessarily be a negative because those are the people looking to buy a minivan. I also like the way they do feature the Nissan symbol at the end, which gives the Van credability because many people know Nissan, and the tage line at the end is awesome because it is more push advertising when it says, "shift the way you move." Overal though it is a pretty effective commercial.                                    B+

Ad #4: Rice Crispies Hidden Surprise

This is the 2011 Rice Crispies Ad that I mentioned in the earlier Ad 3. It has a lot in common with the 2010 Ad except it has an unexpected surprise. Instead of just a full Rice Crispies Egg these have hollow center to put candy in just like real Easter Eggs, a very nifty inovation. This spot portrays yet another fun and ediable function for the Rice Crispies cereal. Like the other spot we see a mom and her kids, it is all in black and white except for the box and the treats, and the musice and fun and light. All of these things are a function of pull advertising. Another really neat thing that I found out when searching for this ad though was that in all of the Rice Crispies ads they use real families, not actors. This is proof that they are a fun familey treat, and they dont push fake or false ad claims. Gives the Kelloggs brand and Rice Crispies a whole new perspective to me!!!! For enjoyment I have also added a link to the Offcial Rice Crispies website and the recepie for this cool yummy treat =) ENJOY!!!                                                  A

Hidden Surprise Easter Eggs

Ad #3: Rice Crispies Easter Eggs 1

So when I saw this I loved it!! As a culinary enthusiast, I loved this idea. It was so simple and fun and made a great treat for Easter dinner. Kellogg ran this spot around Easter in 2010, and they have followed it up with a new spot this year that is just as good. This spot uses an emotional appeal, or pull advertising, because it makes you think of either being little and helping mom in the kitchen, or it fosters the want to do a fun and yummy activity with your own little ones. The spot starts with a close up of the box, which show cases our three favorite charcters of cereal Snap Crackle and Pop, so you automatically know what the product is. The product is also the central figure, and a piece of happiness, in the entire commercial. The use of color is a great way to highlight the product because only the box of Rice Crispies, the cereal, and the decorations are in color, everything else is black and white. This also plays to the idea of this being a childhood memory because in most movies memories are in black and white. The music and the very strong but very feminine voice gives the audience a feeling of comfort and reminences. This spot has no target audience because it can reach anyone from very little to the elderly. It not only fosters a feeling of warmth and family environment but also brings about a craving for the gooey yummy goodness of a homemade Rice Crispy Treat =p. This show how much fun you can have with a box of Rice Crispies, that are not only cereal but also a wholesome family desert. I believe this ad to be extremely effective, especially on me because I used the idea to make my own Easter treats. YUMMMM =)

Ad #2: Pair of Kings

So although Disney Channel's current standing in my mind is lower than dirt, I was watching a cartoon with my niece and ran across this commercial. I have no idea what the show is actually about and I do not endorse it in the least, but I thought this was a really unique way of drawing attention to it. Flip books are also fun and interesting and Disney uses the idea of a flip book design for their commercial. This not only promotes their show but also promotes art and creativity in kids because when my newphew saw this he wanted to make a flip book of his own. This is a very eye catching strategy that makes people stop and pay attention to what going on so they can learn more. Obviously this is targeted at kids <18, which are Disney's usual audience, but I believe it can reach a broader target because it definitely caught my attetion. The music is catchy and the lyrics "at the top of the world" definitely goes the Pair of Kings theme. My biggest problem with this ad though is if you do not know the show (like me) you really have no idea what the ad is for until the end, which is not necessarily a negative because it will keep you watching to find out. Although Disney XD logo is not seen until the end either, since you would have to be watching one of the Disney channels to see the Ad you pretty much know who is endorsing the product. Overal I give this ad an A

Ad #1 Small Business (my personal favorite)

I saw this ad and thought it was really great!! They put a whole new twist on "a small business" by using a little girls limonade stand to promote verizon technology. They show several aspects of the verizon service, including a calculator, a GPS, a credit card swiper and several other innovation that would make running a small business much easier. Not only is it an eye catching spot, but it is also humorous and logical. This ad pushes the ideas that Verizon will make running you business simple and make the small business owner's job basically childplay. This ad is obviously targeted at 25-middle aged people because as awesome as it seems, children are far less likely to be trying to run a decent business at 10. I think this ad is effective in their target audience but it also gets at the regular person who sees the phone and will want the technology offered. They also keep in the ad only 30 seconds it is short sweet and to the point. Overall I give this ad an A+