This is a sticker for cars and I love it and have one on every vehicle I drive. Once a person owns a pit bull they usually feel this way because no other breed can compare to the compassion and loyalty and love of the pit bull. This is a type of branding because it brands a person as a pit bull owner and supporter. The only problem I have with this ad is the spiked colar because it makes them seem imposing, which I have a studded colar for my dog because it does look nice but still does not help with a positive out look of the breed. You here this "tage line" or slogan in most pit bull circles, as well as the "blame the deed not the breed," which says dont blame a whole breed for what few people do. There is a sort of racism against pit bull that is just the same as that of African Americans or Mexican Americans saying that they are bad and criminal, and non of these stereotypes are true! The American Pit bull terrier is the American breed of dog. They were ranked #2 as the most friendly dog to humans outranked by only the laborador. They also started out as an all American breed, such as in the little rascals, Petey was a Pit!!! He was a pit that followed around little kids all day, which every pit loves to do
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