Everytime I see this video I cry. It is not graphic in the least and really isnt a bad video but it is so true that it kills me =*( This is the first of three posts that are the my best friend posts. I wanted to have a section on pitbulls because they are very impotant to me and most of the time are shown in a horrible light even though they are amazing dog and the best friends you can have. This ad is service announcement against dog and specifically pit bull fighting. It shows a slide show of cute pictures of the same pit, an adorable white female, with very easy going music and simple texts. They dog is asking not to make her fight, and then suggesting other things that they can do instead, but at the end she says if you wanted her to fight she would because she is your friend and will do anyhting for you. This is so sad because it is so true. Pitbulls will do anything for their owners, they love you and will die to make you happy and that is why this video is so sad because these dogs are forced to do horrible things and have a bad reputation because of people making it that way. This very simple video has a VERY strong emotional appeal, especially for pit bull owners. It also does a good job of showing people that when a pit bull is bad, it is usually due to human error. In class we talk about branding in society pit bull is a brand. Most people think pit bull and they think vicious and angery and attack, but in reality most pits are nothing like that and this video shows that. This shows the brand (pit bulls) as what they are best friends.
My best friends: beware they may lick you to death =p
I really like this post. You are sending a great message not only for owners of Pits but to anyone that abuses their pets.